Pork scratchings

I begs the question Simon: why use the porker for your short commute - leaving it parked up all day at risk from car-park cunts and weather?

Buy a cheap hack to use for the everyday commute and keep the porker in the garage. Then it will stay pristine for your frequent road-trips and holidays.

You know it makes sense!


good question @Jim but we promised ourselves we would be a one car household. And we are a one garage, no drive household - parking out front is hard…and a constant battle


nein - i was knocked off my CB750 in 1987 - and i vowed never to get back on two wheels again



Sorry to hear of the pork scratching (literally)


more pork crack(l)ing than scratching.


One does not buy a Porker to be then seen scratching about in a Fiesta :face_with_monocle:

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I drive the sort of vehicle that inflicted the damage (no, not the one, before the trollfest commences), and know full well you cannot fail to notice such an impact - you can feel when the tow bar touches a reasonably robust bush FFS! - so it really is sickening that the arsehole that did it just drove-off after trashing a spanking-new car without even leaving contact info.

People FUCKING suck.

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Utterly gutting and yes the idiot who did it will know.
The whole front is a one piece plastic moulding if its like earlier Pork. Would imagine they’ll replace the whole front.
Worth asking about the courtesy car at this stage mind.
Other than that it looks bloody stunning.

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Don’t they just put one of those stickers on saying ‘my other car’s a Porsche’ ?

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I need one of those for the Golf :rofl:

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I don’t know whether to want or hate. :thinking:

Hate. Definitely hate.


That’s lovely. I’ve seen lots of 911-engined trikes, but usually they are a 911 motor bodged in to a cut-down beetle chassis. That one uses most of a 911; must have been pricey!


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I’m sure someone’s done a Dacia version :rofl:

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I’m sure it would be a thing of wonder.

Indeed. :weary:

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Well thats burnt onto my retinas for at least a week!