Proud dad (/mum/grandad/uncle/whatever) moments

You should have simply said that just because you occasionally make clothes for them, you don’t necessarily share your clients’ tastes.

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It is a father’s responsibility to embarrass teenage children at all times, preferably in front of their friends


Ann does the laundry in our house :man_shrugging:

Given that no teenager actually wants to know what their parents are getting up to and this was clearly asked for shock value, I think the best response would be “Yes, do you want to see the strap-on too? It huge”. Properly up the ante.




Not yet!

Do you think Ava had seen your AA forum tag and added 2 + 2 together and got 5?



Haha, I thought of that this morning!

I don’t actually think she watches porn or does anything ‘bad’ actually. She probably just picks things up from people at school, or it might be stuff she reads. She is a voracious reader and a lot of that is way beyond her age. We aren’t at all bothered by it tbh, thinking back, I’m sure that I knew about strap-ons at 17.


FoL was made year 10 sports captain today. We are really chuffed for her. After a challenging time from so-called friends, she has shown that being nice to people, being a team player, and setting an example by just cracking on with things all go a long way. Proper proud parents tonight.


Niece #1 just sent through photos of herself and her chums at her course’s ball.

Now evidently an elegant woman rather than an emo kid, and drop-dead gorgeous. And she knows it :laughing:

#2 got an A for her art in some kind of exams, surprising nobody. Not so good elsewhere, full auntie power* being engaged to make sure she gets the grades that she needs to get into the art college that she wants to go to**.

* for instance apparently her Spanish grammar is poor, and auntie #2 speaks Spanish

** we’re encouraging Scotland because visits to Edinburgh or Glasgow would be great.


And today we’ve been sent photos showing that the bunk beds she shared with her younger sister have been dismantled and now niece #2 finally has her own room.

Basically everyone has concluded that she’s officially grown up and has flown the coop.

She’s still an absolute bloody hazard mind, elite-level ditzy :man_facepalming:

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A few months ago , Marley who’s 10 started something called, Rock steady in school. Basically an extra music lesson once a week where they get to choose what instrument they play , form a band and play in front of the school. She’s got a keyboard in her bedroom that she’s always playing so I figured she’d choose that. I was disappointed that for my £45 a month she chose singing!
This week she and her school band performed 7 nation army to the school.
Proud as punch.


FoL#2 Lauren delivered, all by herself, this little beauty today:

It was the wrong way round so she had to use a winch to get it out. The stuff that my kids know how to do absolutely fucking astounds me.


My Dad celebrates his 90th birthday today. Still lives at home and manages to look after himself.

On Honeymoon (London) with my Mother - 1957

Receiving a (belated) service medal for his National Service in Egypt

At Hartlepool Headland, more recently


Happy Birthday, Mac Senior. :+1:

Single-breasted button one with a square front and patch pockets… He was a blade!! :raised_hands:



Also, the best of shine on his shoes.


I’m immensely proud that my little sister, is carving herself a career of fame and glitz as a wine writer and presenter. She’s now a regular on “Sunday Brunch” and has a book coming out this year. She’s come so far from the huge issues she had at university. It’s great to see her finding her place in all of this!


Niece #2 recently received some projections for her A levels

  • Spanish: yeaaah, about that
  • Economics: not very good
  • Art: A* (or whatever it’s called)

Last weekend she put in (her mother made her put in) her applications for art foundation courses and today one of the colleges has already come back with an unconditional offer.


That’s the way , which discipline is the art going ?

Umm, I don’t have much of a clue.

There’s a lot of painting, and one of the colleges wanted to see work with fabrics but there was none :man_shrugging:

I don’t have an artistic bone in my body so I’m not really qualified to comment.