Recommend me an air rifle

You must have broken them. :grinning:

They are literally pussies…

They just eat, sleep, shit, repeat.

I am SO fucking jealous.

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Sorry, I was bored



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Saved, into two COMPLETELY different folders…


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She looks more kardashian than gaga

Oh at least let me finish ffs

Facrec thinks it s gaga, near enough, tummy tadpoles…

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We have two cats. One is an evil hunter, regularly bringing in corpses, and the other is a lazy fat bastard, who just wants to be fed.

That said, I don’t think even the latter would tolerate actual rat incursions into the house. He’s got some sense of pride, I guess!

Mutual make up wank :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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For rat problem get Jack Russell. JRs hate them

Take your pic I have a TX200 .22 - Hawke Vantage Max scope - Diablo Hunter pellets
Used to do lots of ratting on farms
Found the Weihrauch I had heavy


When I was about 7 my dad got sufficiently annoyed with magpies in the garden that he borrowed an air rifle, plonked himself down and waited all day to shoot the fuck out of them. None arrived. It was a total waste of time.

Notwithstanding his poor choices, the impact you will have on their numbers by spending, say, two hours a day waiting with a air rifle to shoot random vermin is precisely zero. In the unlikely instance that you actually manage to shoot one, there will be another to take its place.

I assume that you really want an air rifle to look hard or to cement your standing among the locals as a massive cunt?


I fear the influence of cliche’d rock flute is at hand

With his homies, waiting for rats

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I love the idea that armed with an air rifle you’re going to stem the tide of vermin given your farmland position.

So a barely motivated at the best of times, sedentary newb, with an unsteady gun grip from the amount of self abuse that would would make a Tory MP cry, is going to shoot a single moving target, let alone at the rate required to declare victory against the pests? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What then? Each day go out and collect your kills and pile them up into a pyre and set fire to them so that the rising column of burning rat flesh stench is going to act as a deterrent to any further pesky invaders?

And the next day do this all over again? And the next?

More likely to accidentally shoot Sam pottering in the garden, or probably yourself. I know the acute physicians at NHS ULH so I’ll give them a buzz and let them know to expect your arrival.

Before you go full metal jacket on the vermin maybe you just ought to call it a day on the dilapidated Luigi’s Mansion and sell up and buy a nice new build on a surburban estate where you can get target practice from the slower moving old soaks that will invariably get on your tits (and vice versa) within moments of becoming close neighbours…


didnt read