Shit you just learned (probably from the internet.)

Matt been practising

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You’d think people would by now know better than to post faecesbook links.

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Not so much learned but a “survey” in today’s I newspaper reckons that 11% of people in the UK have seen a Pine Marten

I don’t know the background to the survey but I’m calling bollocks.

11% is around 7.4 million people - I don’t believe that 11% of the British population could identify a Pine Marten if it bit their left tit off, let alone seen one in the wild.


0.11% would be surprising.

Aside from roadkill, I’ve possibly seen one alive once, or rather, I saw something brown and slinky legging it through pines in Kielder. Proooooobably wasn’t a mink… :wink:

FWIW, I don’t believe they only returned there recently, first time I saw one was roadkill on the A68 in about 2000 - even dead there’s nothing else that size and distinctive colours.

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And as far as nearly 1 in 4 having seen a live mole? or 1 in 3 that have seen a grass snake?

Get to fuck, unless they’re counting seeing them on the telly…

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You’re right about the telly bit - what happens on screens is more Real to most people than Reality :+1:

I’ve seen live moles for one reason alone - I grew-up next to the Hampshire Avon’s water-meadows. When they flooded over (most winters), the poor moles would be forced to the surface and have to swim for it towards the occasional bit of banking that was above water. They are (surprisingly) really decent swimmers, too - but hilarious, as they swim with the frantic energy of a clockwork toy.

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The whole thing stinks.

7% of the population have seen a Nightjar…

50% of the fucking population thinks that’s something you put your false teeth in.


Not an icecube-in-hell’s chance!

Fun fact. No moles in Ireland.

The look on the wife’s face seeing a field that’s been absolutely carpet-bombed :scream_cat:

Our Jack was specifically bought as an anti-mole trooper. Lovely disposition but truly shit at his job.

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So decent swimmers, but more sprint than endurance :grin: Didn’t know that TBH.

They’re a fucking nuisance here - garden, paddock, blah, blah… But I’ve not the heart to trap them, and their hills are loved by yellow ants, and the yellow ants are loved by the woodpeckers, etc. Since we’re trying to manage to be wildlife-friendly, we live with them…


My late father-in-law would pay someone to kill the moles that lived under his garden. One of the many ways in which he demonstrated what a **** he was.

Best mole is star-nosed mole.

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15% seeing a golden eagle seems slightly fanciful as well.


My money is on at least 50% of them being buzzards.

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I can see the need if you have livestock like sheep, which are adept at putting a hole down a mole hole and snapping their ankles - but fuck sheep, they’re basically a death-wish in a jumper…

Maybe, but a retired dentist wth a ride-on lawnmower had no reason other than spitefulness to resort to such measures. Fucking lawn-based vanity.

Yep, sounds a horrible piece-of-work.

And I’ve only ever seen ONE Bittern and that was in flight, and a RSPB volunteer pointed it out.

Heard loads.

Scientists/engineers…. Just because you can… no!

That the Latin name for white-stemmed bramble is

Rubus cockburnianus


Wash your mouth out