
All the very best Kev. Bits of me are showing some wear-and-tear too. I don’t regret that. The pleasure and ‘edge’ then were worth the niggles now.


Wise words, and ones I suspect we’ll all do well to mantra the hell out of as the years grind by…

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Finally got an appointment with an Oncology consultant next Tuesday to discuss radiotherapy (assuming he thinks I need any).
Was told for best results it should start 4-8 weeks after chemo but it will be 10 weeks by next Tuesday.:roll_eyes:
Been feeling absolutely fine since chemo finished at end of February so hopefully the delay won’t matter.


Got halfway to Northampton and got a call telling me the appointment is cancelled as doctor not available.:rage:
Will be rearranged but God knows when.:weary:

Poor Lynn is in the wars again. Woke up 2 weeks ago with a strange graze on her right shin, didn’t think anything of it. That turned into a blister over the next couple of days then burst, all still ok and looking like it was healing.
Last Monday she started feeling poorly so rang the doctors who told her to send a picture, she was prescribed a course of Antibiotics. One day left of the course and it looks no better the redness is spreading and it still oozing pus, even though the dressing has been changed twice a day and it has been washed with antiseptic every time.
She managed to get an appointment today with the doctor, swabs have been taken and she is now waiting to hear from the community nurse about changing the dressing as well as being signed off work for 2 weeks.
Hope it’s nothing nasty but it just will not heal.

Have you been walking anywhere recently that may have brought you into contact with Giant Hogweed?


All the best to Lynn, Mick :crossed_fingers:

That’s a really good thought. Some spurge sap can have a similar effect, too.

That’s a possibility we did the local park run which goes along the river bank.

What’s spurge sap?

Almost scared to ask!

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Spurge (mostly genus Euphorbia) are a group of native and introduced plants characterised by a latex-like sticky, toxic white sap. Balkan and Mediterranea spurge are very common garden plants.

Like giant hogweed the sap can cause anything from itching to severe allergic reactions in some people, which can also be photochemical in nature - i.e. sunlight makes the reaction worse. The effect can last for days.

Flipside is, the sap can kill warts - I got rid of one that defied all medical attempts with the sap of Petty Spurge, but along with greater celandine they’re all more-or-less effective.


Apparently there’s also a big outbreak of these little fuckers this year, too -

Hope Lynn’s on the mend.

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Visit to the specialist Dermatologist doctor today to look at a small skin problem on my face. It seems to be a pre cancer condition - Actinic Keratosis - that is nothing to worry about. 4 weeks of rubbing some strong cream on will fix it, albeit with some inflammation and maybe flu symptoms!

Not bad news tbf.


Phew - good news Mick

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Sarah got back home yesterday pm, 16 hours after a mammoth, 5 hour, 100% robotic surgery session.

Now back on her feet and controlling her pain with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol !

Incredible and so proud of her.


That all sounds very positive Mike. Amazing that Sarah is back home so soon after major surgery. Very impressive.

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Yes, unbelievable really Paul.

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Went to opticians yesterday to get cataract confirmed and a referral.
Spoke to firms Medical insurers this morning and they approved claim.
Rang private eye place, got appointment for initial consultation for next Monday.

Insurers have told me that they will pay for standard lenses and if I want anything fancy I can pay the premium and they will still pay the first £3K or so per eye


I had one eye done a couple of months ago. Phenomenally pleased with the result.


Good news. So, better than National Insurance then. I’m due for mine on Monday (right one, but I’ll have the left done in due course if the right goes well).

As I was driving down from the north-east on Saturday I was reminded that with my distance specs on the small print on the satnav isn’t in sufficiently sharp focus for me to be sure, at a glance, how much longer the journey’s predicted to take. The regular lens might not have made that much better but the first level of ‘fancy’ is supposed to bring it up clearly.