Tales from Uh-merica

Ah, missed that. Thatā€™s a good sign indeed.


Well this could be interestingā€¦


Its how they fund a lot of police services in America.

The scam around jaywalking arrests, subsequent fines, criminalisation of non payment of said fines when it goes to court and future arrest for non payment explains, in part, the very high numbers of black men in American jails. If i can find the link their is an excellent documentary on this phenomena. In a lot of counties, the sheriffs wait until they have several thousand needing to go to Court, form a team with other sheriffs and hire out a school building for the day and pay for a judge to come in. Overall, the sheriffs squeeze enough out of the fines to pay for their police departments which are often funded at less than 70% of outgoings.

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Thereā€™s also the significant seizure of money under the guise of ā€œsuspected proceeds of crimeā€. If itā€™s cash, it basically disappears into the police system, and getting it back again becomes at best a very drawn out process (something like 2 years) and at worst a complete dead ends. Plenty of stories of people going to make substantial purchases (say buying a second hand car with cash), getting pulled over for something trivial like a broken tail light and the police officer confiscating all of said cash.

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A friend of mine had a rifle seized, took months and months to get it back. Basically the officer liked the look of it.


Well spotted, it was indeed the singular.

This is where the ā€˜War on drugsā€™ gets commercialized. Add in private prisons and prison labor and the concept of ā€˜justiceā€™ becomes the mask of profiteering.


Thereā€™s a fair argument to be made that itā€™s functionally a continual system of slavery, especially when you factor in the propensity for police / judges to go after people of colour way harder than white folk.


Unlucky for him OJā€™s brief is pushing-up the daisiesā€¦

Reptilian romances

Sounds similar to the republican congress :partying_face:

None of the lead up, but šŸ¤¦

There was some footage of that incident on C4 news this evening. It starts about 3 minutes into the video. Shocking.

This accidental shooting claim lacks credibilty imo. Iā€™m not clear on how a trained police person can confuse a gun with a taser.

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Disgusting, but not surprising.

It sounded plausible to me, in the video she shouted ā€œtaser, taser, taserā€ and sheā€™s clearly shocked and surprised she shot him after.

Thatā€™s not excusing anything but does sound like a (career ending) fuck up rather than intentional.

It does also highlight their shoot first culture when the handgun is on the dominant side rather than the taser.

I havenā€™t seen or read, all the info, but surely there is a noticeable difference in weight, and even grip/feel.
If she canā€™t tell the difference, she shouldnā€™t be a police officer, or at the very least, one that carries a sidearm.

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