Tales from Uh-merica

I donā€™t know where to start to unpack this casserole of shite

Racist paedo calls someone a homo weirdo. Sounds pretty normal for a trump campaign rally


He could be President again, lol.

When nearing retirement you really can be a cunt by asking if the male toilets at work will remain a safe place :slight_smile:


Today, you are my Spirit Animal :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

The USA is the land of the free of common sense.

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Wow !

Averages though. Each dot is 100,000 people. His whole thread is worth reading. He says the big difference is the number of Americans who die young (under 40).

Guessing the overall US numbers are pulled down by the abysmal neglect of the poor and ethnic communities (esp. black and native American).

The graph treats income as the ā€˜independentā€™ variable. The gap is bigger at the poor end, but it persists across the whole income range. He says guns, road accidents and poor diet are big factors in killing young Americans and reckons race on its own isnā€™t so important.

Damned socialist health service actually working. Can almost hear the low income Trump base demanding the right to buy their own health cover, even if they canā€™t afford it.


Although itā€™s the young where the main difference is, and the young donā€™t need much health care. They do need not shooting and stuff though.

I was slightly surprised he mentioned obesity and malnourishment. OK, ā€˜Land of the freeā€™ (to eat yourself to death if you want to). But even when I was there, back in the late '80s, the large health cover organisations took an interest in keeping you as healthy as possible, for obvious profit reasons. They were prepared to spend money on helping you out of bad habits (itā€™s not expensive) under a ā€˜health careā€™ umbrella.


What the fuck is going on over there at the moment, have they started putting lead back in the petrol?

In North Carolina four people including a 6 year old were shot when their basketball rolled into the neighbours garden

In Texas, 18-year-old cheerleader Payton Washington was shot and seriously injured on Tuesday after she mistakenly tried to enter the wrong vehicle in a parking lot near Austin, Texas.

In New York state, 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis was shot and killed on Saturday after a friend drove their car down the wrong driveway.

In Missouri, 16-year-old Ralph Yarl was shot in the head and arm when he rang the doorbell at the wrong address.

The rapid release of the old guy responsible for the Ralph Yarl shooting seems to be being taken as a licence to gun-down black people willy-nilly by a-holes all over the US.

If Trump gets back in, I expect full-scale civil war during the next presidential termā€¦