The Reading Room

Does anyone know if you can get your money back when a book title is clearly misleading?

Nothing like what I was expecting.



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Just finished this at about the fourth attempt. It is, by some way, the least satisfying of his Science Fiction novels. It is the first thing that isn’t non-fiction I have read in ages.


Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

This has grabbed me more than anything has for a while


Really enjoyed this.


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Impassioned, a bit preachy, certainly scary, but ultimately enlightening.



I finished this yesterday. Basically it deals with the period from his childhood through Joy Division up to the first New Order tour of America in September 1980. It is almost completely free of the sniping that colours the books that Peter Hook wrote and is much more entertaining than Sumner’s effort (also full of sniping and grandiose claims). In lots of ways it reminds me of Nick Mason’s book about Pink Floyd. Pretty superficial but worth reading if you are interested in Joy Division and New Order.



Arrived today. Memoir of early Spacemen 3 show at The Black Lion in Northampton.

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Now the Wig & Pen …………

Not quite The Bannister & Shamrock


I like the sound of that

I shall be having a read of that as soon as I have read:

I’ve just finished the first book of Andrew Cartmel’s ‘Vinyl Detective’ series, after I read the second one first (yes, I know…). I’m saving the third book for holiday next week.

The central character is a record collector who specialises in finding rare records for people and gets into all sorts of scrapes along the way. The stories are great, the humour is occasionally laugh-out-loud and they are stuffed full of nerdy guff about records, turntables, valve amplifiers and horn loudspeakers. Heck, some bloke called Qvortrup even gets a thankyou in the dedications!

Heartily recommended!


read the first one, got bored with the second and didnt know there was a third. I didnt entirely get on with the writing style.

I’ve read all four now. I have the 3rd and 4th in paperback if anyone wants them.