The secret diary of Elon Musk and other fuckery

Yeah. If you’re in the USA on a visa that depends on your job with Twitter, you’re potentially really shafted by that.

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Looks like not all that many staff want to slog their guts out for a loon


Seems like most people aren’t expecting it to stay up over the weekend. A lot of people I follow now posting links to alternative social media accounts to follow them on.

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Seems to be going down worse than the Wigwam buyout.

Seems he is not very good with people. Who’d of thunk it.


hahahaha “space Karen”




I’m sure that’s going to inspire a lot of investor confidence.

This is terrifying.

They see themselves as genetically superior, but really they’re horrific mentally ill narcissists.


Unloved children make unloved children. Narcisism being but one of the chronic dysfunctions birthed by dynastic breeding.

It truly is, not the first time people have thought that breeding a racially pure population is the answer.

This movements, out right nationalistic racism would be a more apt title, has gained a following in Poland, Hungary, Russia and others at State level and in the US at a popular level. Fertility rates in much of the developed world have dropped to 0.8 which is less than required for population sustainability or growth. In Hungary their twat leader is on record as saying that more children, Hungarian children, are needed and will be encouraged through government policy. In Russia Putin has introduced a fucking medal for ten children families.

That’s the company some of these tech billionaires keep.

I’ll see if I can find the Guardian article from the other day.


I’m sure all these geneticlly superior children will love the fact that their billionaire parents and grandparents helped finance the destruction of the earths climate that they will all eventually suffocate and die in. :ok_hand:

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They’ll all be fucking each other on Mars by then.

Hopefully they would all be fucked on the way there.


I would prefer it to be a herd of Bronteroc, once they are there. The cup of success so sweetly snatched.

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trump is granted access again by the fuckery merchant.
Apparently 53% of sickos, or perhaps gleeful train crash in slow motion observers, voted for trump to get access back again!

But of course ‘Truth’-Social is now the narcissus in chief’s platform of choice - so he is snubbing Elon.

Love the fact that Musk has bought Twitter and immediately started to ruin his investment by smashing it apart. As well as deciding who can work there and what constitutes good coding, I hope he falls all the way down the rabbit hole of micro-management and starts telling users what they should post and how they should write it etc, vetting individual posts and so on. Nothing better than watching some sanctimonious self-appointed father figure desperately trying to control everything all at once.


The Zuckerbot has managed just that with AI.

And no, I’m definitely not bitter that a throwaway comment that “Backyard [dog] breeders should be shot!” has earned me my final 6 day ban before I’m banned for life, while neo-nazis and assorted terrorist groups continue to post freely.

Uh-uh - not bitter at-all