The shit that does merit its own thread

Good. Bop the stoats!

Looks like the Police are blocking it too!

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An image that could easily be Cold War Steved.

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Just waiting for the order to start breaking heads and filling the meatwagons.

Surely not!
This the Met after all :grinning:


The coach eventually left without any passengers.
Looks like the protesters won this round.
Presumably the Police/Home Office will pick them up at 4.00 in the morning next time.

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This should (but probably won’t) serve as a reminder- to the government- that in general people are not fans of the Rwanda plan.

It is really good to see people taking direct action. From the little I’ve read about this, it seems a sense of community does exist…


Hmmm.:thinking: Dunno; I’ve observed human cubs using Dock leaves as pain relief after being stung by Nettles…

We got told that old wives tale too.
We also got told that if you scraped the inside skin of a banana and rolled it in a ‘joint’ it would get you high.

We believed any old shit

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Peckham (just up the road from me) is a bit of a weird mix. First generation immigrants, they don’t call it “Little Lagos” for nothing, and now younger white people.

Not necessarily a 100% cohesive community, but guaranteed to be universally opposed to Tory race-baiting cruelty.

I’d like to think that Tory policy has accidentally created a few friendships today.


I thought bits of it gentrified about 15 years ago or so? Certainly it seemed more up and coming than in 2002 when there were security guards on the train station in the morning.

Well yes, you can buy bao buns now, but you’ll also hear Yoruba and Igbo spoken in the street.

Kind of my point that it’s a weird mix.

The truth lies in the middle - so while it’s true nothing in dock neutralises the sting, the cooling moisture from the leaves soothes and the rubbing helps to disperse the irritant, and of course placebo remains an astoundingly effective ‘drug’.

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Good to see Beltane being celebrated in Glastonbury yesterday.


Does that make today (just about) Bracesane ?

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I didn’t think there was anything sane about these gatherings.
Normally just a good excuse for a piss up.

We were dancing at dawn up at the castle above the village on May morning :sunny::sunglasses:


Certainly the way I remember May Morning in Oxford.