The shit that does merit its own thread

This has been outside The Liverpool pub , in Liverpool strangely enough, for a few years

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Another in the great list of internet acronyms.

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Need to know more


It’s crazy what Russia are trying and doing at the moment, we’ve just had our cyber threat level increased based on advice that Russia is going to try and attack/sabotage the flight systems.

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Do we have any idea what their thinking is ? Are they trying to pressure the west into supporting Ukraine less or into going easy on the sanctions ? Or is it purely to cause general disruption, in which case you might imagine they’d wait until we’re nearer the Christmas rush with more recovery staff on leave ?

I don’t think Russia plan short term, everything they do is strategic and they are willing to play the long game with Ukraine. I think they want to completely undermine the relationships within Europe and especially NATO. Putin is petrified by NATO and is convinced their sole mission is to destroy Russia.

Video about crafting Augers. Hope it isn’t too boring:


Still making tools:

We’ve (Wildlife Trust) bought a few things from them, and have an invitation to look around the factory whenever we get round to it.

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Do they also make spirit levels ?



Time was that would have been justly banhammered…

Do love that the sole item of PPE is a flat cap… Peak Sheffield :ok_hand:

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It’s that time again.

Right now, pub in Malvern, 2018, every notification possible on my phone telling me that my mother had died.

We went to see her, then straight to the Nag’s (basically opposite the gates of the care home) for several very large whiskies.

Sorry to bang on about it but one way and another she very much influenced the course of my life.


Totally get it. You’re not banging on about it.

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Losing your mum is never trivial.

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Bang away, it matters.

For fans of spiders:


It’s a fascinating place, I visited a couple of years ago.


So it was a military testing site in the 16th century?
(Still have to read the article :slight_smile: )