The slow build of an LCR Phono Stage

Ooooof ! :grinning:

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You can fuck off, :slight_smile:


Probably use the acrylic topped one for the PSU and make my own for the LCR phono element. Design tbd :slight_smile:

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Just populating the board prior to soldering.


Suggest standing the high power resistors off the board a little more, if you haven’t already soldered them.

Nothing soldered yet, just losse fitting everything to check against the BOM. Will put that air gap in as suggested.

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This looks far well too thought out.

PS. There is a rumour you have spare caps?

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Actually, I’ve just noticed that the big blue capacitor is in backwards. It will likely explode very messily if you power it up like that. :boom: :firecracker: it may also hurt you while it does it. At best it will stink and make a horrific mess.

Suggest you double check the polarity of all the other electrolytics. [Edit: having zoomed in, they look ok, but check anyway]


Spoil sport.


All the others are right, easier to identify:) loose fit is the sanity check, cheers for the spot.

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Yes, would you like one for yours.

In fact I’ll send you all the spares i have, minimum order was far more than i needed.

Only if you can be bothered to post :grin:

You can never have too many spare parts.

It’s not a proper work area if there isn’t some cap oil on the ceiling.

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I don’t know if you have a plan of action regarding populating the board. It’s usually easier and neater to solder the smaller components first then work your way up to the largest. If I’m trying to teach you to suck eggs sorry!


The trouble with the stuff inside electrolytics is that it’s corrosive (less so these days than once upon a time) and it can chew its way through the tracks on the board and damage nearby components. Then there all the little foil fragments which get stuck where they’re not welcome. Still, as far as the ceiling goes, at least it’s not laser dye, or borscht :grin:.


That’s how I’m going to approach it. Just finishing a loose fit of everything first. A couple more rects to order. Spent twenty mins identifying resistor bands, thankfully i had a set of illuminated specs at high mag… luckily only three to sort out!

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There used to be an app that used the phone camera to scan the band and tell you the value. No idea if it’s still around though.

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Probably better than some of the mneumonics that used to be in use

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