Today I have mainly been V3.0

This morning FoL and I went for a walk while her mum slept off last night’s indulgences and it turned out to be a great start to the year. At one point we decided to go left instead of the usual right and we stumbled across an overgrown graveyard containing a lot of First World War graves.

Turned out to be this place:

It was quite magical to randomly stumble across this with my daughter. We were both buzzing and continued on our walk, having to exit through a hole in the chain link fence.

As we continued around the lake we saw a cormorant, a heron, swans and all the usual suspects. We were both saying how this had been one of our best walks together when FoL asked what would make it the best. I said that I had seen a kingfisher there when I was young, and that would be special, but that they can be quite difficult to spot.

Five minutes later, we only bloody saw one perched at eye-level above the river, looking for lunch. Then, it dived! Emerging from the water it took off like a low-level, blue bullet just above the surface and flew up into a tree, presumably to eat the catch. We basically floated back to the car on a cloud of joy. Fucking brilliant.

My phone camera is crap, but the blue blob in the photo below is our new mate.


Drinking till 3.30am, inevitable thick head when awoken at noon, sorted with 5 km run and cooked breakfast, time to settle down with a beer to watch the football :+1:

Happy New Year

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Feeling shit and shivering
Meant to be going to London Friday

Drinking until 02:30 then bed. Slept until 11:00 and once I’d had four cups of tea to liven myself up went on a nice long walk with the mutts. Got a top rump beef joint roasting in the oven for dinner later. :heart_eyes:


Strange pastime Stu, is this a local New Years Day tradition.


Same here, went down with it last night and struggling today. Have had to cancel a client meeting tomorrow as I can’t face the 6 hour round trip.

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But but but but, who’ll walk Saffron ?

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Hel is being sent out with the Foxhound as we speak with pockets full of treats and a tube of primula cheese :+1: :grimacing:

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Nearly had the RSPCA involved, saved by the Primula cheese and deft delegation of duties :grin:


Yes. Hit me at 10 o’clock last night
Was asleep by 10.30.
Don’t like nye anyway so no biggie

Taking FOL 1&2 out on their scooters armed with a ‘whistling’ football type thing. Fol 1 threw it magnificently into the sky, it sailed down with a pronounced and impressive whistle straight on the head of a lady in a mobility scooter. The ‘oh god no’ feeling I used to get as a child just as the ball I’d thrown went through the school / grandparents / car window was refreshed today. Strange but I think it’s more pokey the older you get.




Jesus, that’s bringing my lunch of mortification and grovelling back up.

First attempt at making a hexagonal shelf (late Christmas present for the wife). Not entirely convinced by it so far, but will need to wait until the glue has properly settled before I can tell for sure.

Pictures or it didn’t happen. How does one attach a hexagonal shelf to the wall assuming that the room has only four walls. Is it a free-standing unit?

How many hexagons do you need to fit on the shelf?

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Just showed this to Jan. We both got something in our eye and just had to have a cuddle :heart_eyes:

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Finally managed to find time over Xmas to complete the servicing and repairs on this original PSE 300B amp

Early signs are very encouraging :+1:


Those copper chassis though… :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

…lolling about doing not very much. I did read this though:

You have no idea how much things have improved since I was a kid in Ireland. Reading about this club, which I was not really aware about other than Orbital named a song after it, was an eye-opener. We absolutely cannot afford to go back to that shit again.