Today I have mainly been V3.0

I suppose it’s too much to ask that it flattens Mar a Lago, preferably with Trump in attendance.

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Hired a cottage in hope cove once , great little place . my mum loved it . from these guys i think

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this morning

now Salcombe


Nuke it :+1:



I had my prescription for my anti-nausea meds renewed on Monday. Normally it is a 48 hour job. This afternoon I received two of the three items. The Levomepromazine (which is really for emergencies) won’t be available until tomorrow at the earliest. Net effect:
The Pharmacist was at loss to explain the delay. Hopefully, this is not a sign of things to come with Brexit. I’ve been advised to stockpile at home which is madness…

Shit, sorry to hear that mate.

Hope it’s not as bad as you fear and that Brexit doesn’t fuck the supply :crossed_fingers:

that is shit news.

Louise’s GP been doubling up on her Glaucoma eye drops, due to short supply, they are blaming Brexit.

I have had to change contact lens brand, as I my chosen brand has supply chain problems until November, my optician is blaming Brexit.

Sorry to hear that Olan.

I can remember how amused I was when my stoma bags turned up cut to a mirror image of the normal template, and that was just physical inconvenience rather than illness.

If you do need any help sourcing drugs then Brixton is only just up the road from me :+1:

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If you do need any help sourcing drugs then my sister-in-law’s dad is a practising podiatric surgeon in Ohio and will write US 'scrips for just about anything for a very reasonable price. You can cash them in Tijuana at cheap enough rates if the stuff’s off-patent and my bro would send them in a plain brown wrapper or dissolved and soaked into the pages of National Enquirer if they might otherwise attract undue attention.

Seriously, I hope you made enough noise to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Threaten that if it does you’ll wait while they sort it out next time, vomiting copiously every 10 minutes.



Fucking attention seekers :unamused:


Maybe everybody who fucks up anything at all will blame Brexit

I don’t get why anything is changing as nothing has changed.
Any order placed in the last 6 months or in the next month will be treated the same and have the same rules and regs applied as always.

Careful Terry, he knows where you live. I’d not be slicing any unexpectedly plump and squishy Jiffy bags open in your kitchen for the next few days.


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If only

What are the issues with supplying drugs right now?
what has changed in the last 6 months?

Doesn’t fucking matter. Scare = profit

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Could it be stockpiling - patients doing so at home for reasons of self-interest and suppliers doing so so that if the trucks can’t get here they’ll be able to demonstrate their prudence ? Big pharma doesn’t have much spare capacity on its production lines and you can’t switch a machine which makes aspirin over to making statins just like that.

EDIT: A scare, even if wholly unfounded, can be a fantastically effective way of messing up a supply chain in the absence of any other problem whatsoever.


How do you stockpile prescription drugs?

Jenny works in a pharmacy, she says that many drugs are in short supply, neither the wholesalers or manufacturers can tell them why.

point is, and this is happening at work, is uncertainty means companies are throttling back on the supply chain. My contact lenses are from Johnson and Johnson, my optician tells me the whole supply chain for my complex prescription has been progressively throttled back until November. I my case there are only two companies that can supply my prescription and I am now on the second