Today I have mainly been V5.0

As Dave said,go for it :+1:

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Might pass my 3mth probation first before a splurge
Dat interest free tho

We have friends over from Kansas and today I accompanied them to the Imperial War Museum.

I’ve been before, but a long time ago. Obviously I’d seen the 15 inch guns outside

but I hadn’t noticed that the one on the right was used to bombard Westkapelle during the assault on Walcheren

an action in which my father participated (4 troop, No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando).

Pish weather tho’!


Something I only just learned is that the site was the Bethlem/Bedlam asylum before the imperial war museum redeveloped in the 1930’s

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Trying to get a new soundbar working over HDMI/ARC.

Suffice it to say that I haven’t succeeded, but I have “smashed” my Fitbit weekly goal for “zone minutes” - basically time with a high heart rate :rage:

Given up, it’s getting plugged into an HDMI / optical adaptor. And it can fuck off.

I feel your pain Guy - I’ve had an afternoon of tech troubles as well. :rage:

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Clay pigeon, been at least four years since I last went. Forgot just how much fun it is :gun:


Found a use for all those coffee pucks then?

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Surprising, but the mrs takes them for the garden. No idea why though :man_shrugging:

They make for excellent compost, especially if you want to make your soil more acidic.


Excellent I shall drop in to conversation next time and seem intelligent :+1:


Today I have mainly been buying 3 grand TVs and watching old BBC stuff that scared the shit out of me as a kid


what a load of boring shite.

Find 4K programs on wildlife and stuff. Picture quality is usually awesome.

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Me too

Not the buying a TV bit however.


Alright jazz lover settle down

Also recommend Govan Ghost Story on some streaming services.

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Today I have been mostly queueing online for Peter Kay tickets. I am number 23,087 in the queue…


Me too. You are 3000 ahead of me.