Today I have mainly been V5.0

If you die before 75 and have not bought an annuity the pension monies get paid to who you nominate tax free! That’s free of all taxes - income tax. CGT and IHT!

that’s just an incentive

Stock pile horns


Biggest benefit of being a company director imo. We pay the full whack into my pension and one for Hel every year.

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Investment grade HiFi for the win

wouldn’t make any money as “I’d only want what I paid for it” when it comes to selling.


I doubt you’d àbe better off transferring any government superannuation scheme type benefits though.

Private pensions can be worth consolidating, but maybe not if they have guaranteed annuity rates.

I nominate me.

Popped into town today and found this nice little shop selling vinyls. New vinyls are the best vinyls.


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I wouldn’t even browse…

Trying to convince myself I don’t need a Panasonic master series 65" z2000 oled which is £200 off at JL


I would go in any shop calling LP’s vinyls

Be just the thing for your outdated 240p resolution games.


Go for it you only live once.

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As Dave said,go for it :+1:

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Might pass my 3mth probation first before a splurge
Dat interest free tho

We have friends over from Kansas and today I accompanied them to the Imperial War Museum.

I’ve been before, but a long time ago. Obviously I’d seen the 15 inch guns outside

but I hadn’t noticed that the one on the right was used to bombard Westkapelle during the assault on Walcheren

an action in which my father participated (4 troop, No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando).

Pish weather tho’!


Something I only just learned is that the site was the Bethlem/Bedlam asylum before the imperial war museum redeveloped in the 1930’s

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Trying to get a new soundbar working over HDMI/ARC.

Suffice it to say that I haven’t succeeded, but I have “smashed” my Fitbit weekly goal for “zone minutes” - basically time with a high heart rate :rage:

Given up, it’s getting plugged into an HDMI / optical adaptor. And it can fuck off.