Today I have mainly been V5.0

Tapping up an old mate who works in Border Force about a job I’ve seen advertised, turns out he’s on the interview board…

Then getting the courage up to actually start the application…

Also, trying, and mostly failing, to eat a Bavarian slice without covering my van in squidged cream (oo-er) or flaky pastry.


Next door neighbour has just jacked in working as a postman,says it has really changed since he started just 5 years ago

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It’s really shit now. I’ve been saying for years now that the goal of senior management is to turn us into Hermes/Evri but in red vans, and that’s coming true.

I actually physically hate going into work every morning now because I’m worried about what needless change has been imposed and because the atmosphere between shopfloor and management is just incredibly toxic.

A lot of guys are hanging on for VR, but I’m too far down the seniority list to ever be eligible. So after what’s happened this week, I’m actually going to do what I’ve been promising myself for about 5 years now and get the hell out of Dodge.


Is he up for arranging loans?
£800K would get you a nag upgrade!


I think you should go for it if only for the reason there is a greater than zero chance you will get an opportunity to accidentally flip Nigel Farage out of a dinghy into the Channel


Aren’t they also on strike about pay and terms of employment?
Might be out of the frying pan and into the fire especially with Braverman as your boss

I am sure you will be a veritable asset in ensuring Wigan stays safe from unwanted migration.

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I asked about that, it’s mostly about money for them, and if i get this job I’ll be getting a pay rise anyway, and be on a spine-point payscale too, so if they win a payrise it’ll be win win. The terms and conditions complaints don’t even come close to what RM are trying to impose so I’m not that bothered…

And Braverman will be gone in 18m so not bothered there either.


I think Border Force would suit you Rob. You should have confidence in applying, they will be lucky to have you.

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Good luck Rob :+1:

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All the best with your application Rob, get many overpopulated dinghies on the Leeds/Liverpool canal ? ( just asking )


Put the cake down and do this. Gonna be good. Do it.

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Does Border Force have a mounted division?


He will be just pushing boats with a long stick.


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Cleanup in aisle 5 please. @Jim has just left a hideous mess…


And you just love swabbing my deck, doncha mate :rofl::rofl:

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25 posts were split to a new topic: Sucky thinigs

Was going to be going to Taunton today. Luckily I didn’t as engine lights just come on



Reorganising pending the Great Kallax Construction this weekend. Hifi has swapped sides.

We have a 5x5, 3x4, 1x4 and a couple of 2x2s to build.