Today I have mainly been V5.0

Thank for this - I might have a go at my big beast of a valve CD player that has a Philips mech :+1:

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currently watching a road crew tear up an almost brand new pavement because it’s the wrong colour :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

We voted against replacement on the grounds that the colour is completely moot: it’s done now, and to dig it up would be an unforgiveable waste of energy and resources. However we were one of only two households to do so.

Two houses went full south-east “muh house prices” cliché. One old biddy tried to rope in the C20 Society until I pointed out that they’re big proponents of “retro first” and would probably take a very dim view of the destruction of brand new works simply because “I don’t like the colour”. I got sent to Coventry for that :laughing:

The pavement’s death warrant was effectively signed when the scheme of management actually put in writing that they had picked out the colour from the swatches without doing a site visit and that it was wrong.

On a related note I have a wall that is a similar “wrong colour” cock up. It’s turned out a bit pink, and there are quite a few people who would dearly love me to knock it down. No way - leave it a few years without our more extreme weather and it will revert to natural brick. It’s already doing so, and it might need a nudge with a pressure washer in a couple of year’s time, but that’s it.

Sorry, rant over.


Short break in Norfolk c/o Sam to help ease the pain of stumbling uncertainly into my seventh decade:


One of my favourite pubs - The Hill House Inn, Happisburgh. One of the last Real pubs -

AND they usually have one of my favourite dark beers of all time on tap:

Happisburgh also has a really good fishmonger, so tea tonight was fucking epic: super-fresh plump, firm cockles (wahey!), hand-peeled Atlantic coldwater prawns, and honeyed hot-smoked salmon with salt & pepper rolls and vine tomatoes, washed-down with a nice English white - utter PERFECTION!

Not sure how we’ll top this lot!


Happy birthday Paul :gift::birthday::beers:

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Happy birthday Paul, welcome to the old age team,

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Cheers chaps. I try very hard to ignore birthdays, but I’ve not been allowed to this year!


:beers: Many happy returns Paul!

Looks like you’ve had a good un!



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Happy Birthday you old mad bastard you :beer:

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Hang in there. You will be old, one day.

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On one forum or another it appears that I’ve known you for the past 16 years. So for the 16th time Happy Birthday and many of them.
May your future harvests be fruitful :brain: :anatomical_heart: :lungs: :bone: :beer: :tumbler_glass: :clinking_glasses:

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Happy birthday you miserable bastard. Sorry to have no doubt ruined it by sending you a dull message about speaker cables :rofl:

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Happy birthday Paul :+1:

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Happy birthday Paul ! Have a great day ! :birthday::tada::confetti_ball:

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When you read this at midday, happy birthday Paul, have a great weekend.

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Being stalked by a packet of Werther’s Originals and the Betterware catalogue?

Happy orbital mechanics reference point, by the way.


Welcome to the three score Paul!

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You can still live life in the fast lane. Have a great one.

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Happy Birthday Paul !

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Pedant-mode ON

7th decade is 60-69.

Edit. Happy Birthday @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion