Today I have mainly been V5.0

Many happy returns old blade.

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Hope you have / had a great birthday Paul.:birthday:

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Happy birthday! Been to that pub a few times.

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Crab from Cromer?

Happy Birthday Paul

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Paul is measured in dog years

Happy birthday @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


You’re a lucky bastard having company on your 60th.
I’m getting sent to a gig on me lonesome. :blush:


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Happy Birthday Paul

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Happy birthday Paul! :partying_face:

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Happy 60th,yes SIXTY

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Happy Birthday Paul.

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Happy Birthday Paul, Hope it is a good one!

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Many Happy Returns mate…:balloon:

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Happy birthday Paul.

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Only reason it’s AWOL there is it’s not in season.

Cheers for the greets chaps - appreciated :ok_hand:


Is a good reason for now but also a reason to go back when it is in season. If you time it right you might also hit local samphire as well.

Getting both ears hoovered. They pulled out these horrible conglomerates of wax and skin, like something.from a Cronenberg film set.

I can hear all the s’s and the t’s again. Might play a few records later.


Happy birthday old chap :tada:

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A few hours spent listening to this lovely HFSA-01 integrated.


Is that the new(ish?) EL84 integrated?