Today I have mainly been V5.0



Having a 9km wander around the Bernia ridge with friends. Might be my last decent walk here this year.
North side before the tunnel which goes through the ridge

South side just out of the tunnel

A prehistoric cave painting

A lot of netting in the valley to cover the nespero crop

Remains of the fort which guarded the pass

Ravine on the north side, west end

Then back to the cars, friends returning to UK tomorrow.


Still up cramming and polishing my STAR stories for an interview with FCA tomorrow. Still pondering on whether telling them I hate fcking banks, half the people that work for them and could catch them out on many a thing in the IT domain is a good strategy or interview suicide.

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Just tell them that naebody likes a grass. :grinning:

You’ll be fine. Good luck.


Just been a walk to the barbers to have the mop cut and Matkin Butchers Swanwick for a chicken on the way back and I tell you what, it’s not a bad world at all, beautiful morning and nice people.


More of this sort of thing :blush:


Feeling more than a bit gauche.

TFW you decide you’d like a glass of wine with your steak, and the posh vintners is opposite the butchers.

However once you’re in there it’s all two or three times what you were planning on paying, you like the label on that one but TBH you don’t even know if it’s red or white and it would look pretty bad holding the bottle up to the light :blush:

Went to Sainsbury’s instead - their aisles are clearly labelled “red” and “white”.


An opportunity missed perhaps.

This afternoon at Hardwick in the actual Sun :sunny:!


Well we finally moved into the new gaff on Friday evening and have had a busy couple of days trying to get things set up and find things from the myriad boxes we have still to unpack.

To say it’s been tiring is an understatement !

However it’s been worth all the hassle and stress over the last few months as it’s a great place and to cap it all off we picked up Ralf from his Grannies today and he’s settled right in which is a big relief.

Happy days.


Pleased to hear that it has all worked out well Al.

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Don’t fret, we moved 7 1/2 years ago and there are still unopened boxes to be investigated!


Congrats :clinking_glasses:

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I still remember having a meltdown the morning after we moved into Castle Terrace because I knew there were two toasters in the the boxes in the living room, but could I find one?

Then I couldn’t even get the grill lit to make some toast. Turned out it was electric and I had assumed gas.


I know this sounds a bit like Hallmark card pish but It’s quite an odd feeling being in a totally new house that already feels like home.


Really pleased for you guys.

Meanwhile I’m having flashbacks to 1992 Guy.

Quilted Snoopy dressing gown, fag hanging out the corner of his mouth, raging hangover, angrily throwing lit matches at an electric grill.


Right out on the bleeding edge of fun today: booked the cesspit emptying…

Now I say “booked” - but Bates won’t even commit to what DAY they’ll be coming, never mind what time…

SOOOOO Lincolnshire!

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oh well, shit happens.

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In quite remarkable quantities, too… :open_mouth:

Can they empty it when you aren’t there?