Tools you have bought/desire

35 posts were split to a new topic: Career Choices


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Pah ! This is what you want…


Yes quite fancy a Grainfather, or similar. Might just give BIAB a go first before splashing out.

I’ve been brewing BIAB for a few years now. It’s a very effective way to brew. Well worth a try :+1:

Now Narelle is back in work, I will probably look at the basic unit and build up from there.

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It does seem pretty great, I ordered one of these for my Dad,

Which kicked off the whole wanting to homebrew look at shiny things :smiley:

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Looks good. But ten pints wouldn’t last through a gloomy Tuesday in this house :smile:

Its a toy, but for $300 why not, bit of fun.

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Troo dat.

I desire myself

You’re certainly a tool… I’ll give you that :slight_smile:


Sexually Self-Sufficient :+1:



Bought yesterday. Just fished a 1.5" screw, and my SiL’s butterfly clasp (lost at Christmas) out of the shower trap.

I’m sure @A_Touch_of_Cloth will be around in a minute to tell me why plungers are baaaad, m’kay?

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Aww bless… look at your cute wittle pwunger :slight_smile:

Plunging is good for the soul… but ferrrrrrchrissakes man get a proper one.

That was all they had in B&Q.

It seemed to do the job.

Plunge 1: blockage gone, shower drains properly
Plunge 2: clasp appears
Plunge 3: screw (presumably dropped by bathroom fitters) appears

Keep going until the pubes come out. :slight_smile:

I had a girlfriend who said that once


Had to grab one of these after seeing @edd9000’s. It’s a really nice set.

Also bought some torque screwdrivers.

This is why I have no money. :cry:


Absolutely bloody love Wera.

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