What I'm watching (Part 1)

It’s on pirate bay :rofl:

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Cinema HD App

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Interesting article

There are loads of streaming services coming out, which means that loads of content will be removed from Netflix and Prime, so unless you are willing to pay £100 per month (on top of your broadband and cable/satellite TV) you’ll have less to watch than you do now. Lovely.

That’s been the model in the states for a while, but cable/sat was $100-150 a month so the market was more used to it.

Not sure it will work as well here.

In a way it was already like that in the US, HBO, Showtime and Cinemax were add one to any subscription at about $10 a month each. Want to watch Game of thrones, that’s $10 a month. Even the channels were a bit fragmented between providers, I had Directv, Syfy HD was only on Dish, I didn’t get AMC so no walking Dead etc.

Off to see Apollo 11 on Sunday in IMAX :sunglasses:

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9 posts were split to a new topic: Glastobabble

Must get to see that, got first man to see which is similar I think

Just started the first series of line of duty , extremely good

I know the Star Wars prequels are shit, but I’ve just realised how they undermine the originals. If the problem with Anakin was that he wasn’t taught early enough, why would Obi Wan not teach Luke while on Tatooine? Why would he wait until Luke was too old as well?

I’ll turn over now, it’s shit.

Can confirm, Good Omens is pretty much perfect. It’s up there with Firefly in the all time greats IMHO



Good Omens is ace👍

Life of Pies - BBC1

6 minutes in and no mention of Wigan. Scandalous. BBC anti North Western industrial wasteland bias at its worst. #Metropolitan Elite Cunts :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Getting closer, Blackburn now :wink:

Perhaps they’re building up to a triumphant crescendo of pie nirvana.

Keep hoping :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wtf? Supreme champion: Curried butternut squash and some other shit vegan pie?

It’s PC gone mad. :scream:


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