What I'm watching (Series 2)

That vid is over 4 years old.
No idea if that idiot is still alive :grinning:

The finest 8 minutes on youtube

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Sam Fender headlining Reading on iPlayer. His music might not be everyone’s cup of tea but a fantastic set. The crowd really seem to be up for the music rather than the “Glasto bucket list thing before heading of on the gap year to south east Asia”. Proper young music fans loving every minute, great to watch.

She is ahead of the game on the merch front


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That used to be our christmas change freeze viewing in the office before covid

That and playing the “dead or alive” games :slight_smile:

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Also used to make me laugh that in the comments was always a recipe request for “can you do a cream pie” and she didn’t have a clue.

Has the son died from food poisoning yet?

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I’m behind the curve on this one. I am now a fan however

Painkiller - another go round the OxyContin story a la Dopesick.

The Meg 2 this afternoon at the Banbridge Omniplex.

10/10, film of the year. The decade even.

Also the trailer for Dune 2 was suitably dramatic.


The wait won’t be.
It’s now next March.

Porky Parry and the cinnamon challenge is a favourite of mine.


Northern Soul prom. Loving it. Fucking loving it.
Really hope this gets released as a live album


The Killers live at Reading on BBC.

Not normally my thing but this is a great show.


Not seen the killers in years either, the energy of the crowd is superb. Same with Sam Fender on Friday.

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A wholesome bank holiday family movie.
Not seen this since the 80s,though can’t say I remember it that well.

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Well that was pretty awful.
Not sure I can remember any decent biopic type movie.

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Said to Sam last night “Choose a movie and I’ll fix some snacks and wine for us”.


She chose Tenet.

It’s no Halle-Berry-‘Catwoman’, but it’s not good. It just sort of starts, happens, and - after an inexplicably long time - ends, and you never care about any of it.


I very-vaguely recall it being a load of old wishful-thinking wank.

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That is the Nolan formula.

Plot line > characters you give two fucks about

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and then he fucks about with the arc of the plot line & you care even less about the outcomes for the characters

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