What I'm watching (Series 2)

I just can’t stand the way he puts everything into poncy camera shots that mean fuck all and then just uses the screenplay to explain everything.

A Nolan film may as well be an audio book with some hires photos.


The inevitably unintelligible screenplay buried in overly loud incidental music & explosions/sound effects? That screenplay?


Had the sound up to levels I’ve never previously needed just to try to make sense of the mumbled dialogue - only to discover that hearing it was no great aid to understanding it…

Tempted to ask if they’ll put the subtitles on next time I go to see one of his films at the cinema :grinning:

Although I enjoyed the spectacle of Oppenheimer, this film explains everything far more clearly than Nolan ever could or would. Well worth a look.


Nicely done kind of ‘Dirty John’ series about a woman’s struggle to fight off her lack of confidence and get revenge on her gas lighting, con man, co-ercive ex husband. Some very good performances all round and some unsubtle but effective camera techniques.


This got quite bad reviews but I’m really enjoying it.

Senior SEAL woman is :open_mouth: but that’s definitely not clouding my judgement.

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Watched the first couple of eps last night. Rollicking good fun fantasy featuring pirates, really quite engaging!

Starting the second series of Wheel of Time.

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Didn’t realise it was back!
They faffed about with the dates fro S2 then start it without any sort of fanfare :upside_down_face:

I’m guessing they are all just playing post covid and hollywood strike catchup.

No big announcement though as you say.

Second series of The Bear v good, different.


Usually at the end of the day we like to watch some low impact humorous shutdown nonsense. This is not that. We just finished season 2 and in fairness it’s possibly the best enactment of stress and trauma I’ve seen in a series. This is countered by humor, tender moments and the outstanding development of each dysfunctional character. The casting is inspired, the writing is superb - Some of this may account for The Bear being nominated for 13 Emmys. Enjoyed this one.


The new series of This Farming Life. Enjoying the gentle cuntry vibe (as I did with the last series) but wondering how the hell nearly all the farmers, kids, associates, random family members etc. all seem to be wearing nearly new “Ridgeline” jackets? Naive perspective mebbies, but I thought the Beeb were s’pose to be endorsement & ad free?

In Devon. Would like to try the place in Dartmouth


Crashing on Netflix.
Thought the sound through my phones on the plane was shit. Flight attendant asked if I could turn the sound down. It wasn’t going to my phones. Cheapass iPhone connector thing.

Enjoying Crashing though. It is a bit silly.

I did that on a really busy train up to Edinburgh. Managed to blag a seat at a table of four. Settled in, stuck the music on and was getting to napping levels. Opened my eyes and realised everyone was staring at me. Phone had been outputting via speaker and I hadn’t realised. No one said anything to me at the time. British people can be way too polite at times, it was a full carriage.


Looked amazing didn’t it. Had me looking to buy a cage to bbq fish!
Not sure about the place in Totnes though.

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I need to start saving. Scollops & Monkfish.


LMAO at the minefield scene in Sisu.