What I'm watching (Series 2)

Yes, Depp was good at being mad, but less convincing otherwise. Having not seen Hoult before, I would probably now avoid his films.

I really like this one

although admittedly Hoult is only there in a supporting role.

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I always thought that the old Oppo DGAF about regions but it doesn’t like the Blu-ray.

Oh well, retire to the eyrie and watch the 4k disc on the PS5. That works.

Handy that I bought a wee soundbar for the gaming TV too.

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Haha, this is great! A tiny movie theatre.

The couple a few doors down are elderly Iranians. She’s had a nasty stroke and so they have a live-in carer who is also Iranian.

If I’m coming back late from a gig and look up I see her in the equivalent bedroom, watching TV and puffing on her shisha pipe.

I can definitely see the appeal.

Oh and the 4k transfer is awesome.

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Hyper-realistic space scenes and tense as fuck. I’m only 3/4 through the 1st episode!

What’s that on Mark?

The apple at the top maybe helps?

I thought it started off brilliantly and tailed off hugely.

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I thought it was pretty decent. It’s no Ad Astra :rofl:

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This is so well done. Shows how hard it was to put together over 40 yeas ago.


That was excellent :+1:

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Watched a few of his vids and really enjoyed them

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Again (went to see it in the cinema).

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Yellowstone is now on Netflix.

So we’re watching that.

Ha! I watched that again this evening. It seemed like a good idea in 2024, now I think it’s a bit close to the bone.

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Haven’t finished it yet, but it’s both lovely and tragic all at the same time.

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FoL#2 Lauren and me had a somewhat heated discussion about the ethics surrounding a particular death in the first episode of Yellowstone and so she’s retired to her boudoir. Therefore I’ve decided to give this a go as it seems a bit prescient.

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