
Just opened the Ardbeg. My first of one of their whiskies. Bloody hell, that’s lovely!


Welcome to the dark side :slight_smile:


its a slippery slope


Just ordered a couple of different Arran single malt expressions.

I’ve ordered two bottles of the Sauternes cask finish Arran, no age statement, but reading between the lines probably nine to ten years in total, as they state for this 'un matured for 8 years in oak casks, prior to finishing in Sauternes casks. For their other cask finish bottlings the finishing period is stated as up to two years.

Also bought a bottle of their peated Machrie Moor cask strength, as I’ve been curious about it fer a while, as I had a hankering to try some peated expressions from elsewhere than Islay, as I have a good choice of peated Islay expressions, all of which I greatly enjoy.

The Arran Sauternes cask finish is currently on at a great price at M.o.M. Hard to resist buying a couple. Otherwise I had planned on trying the Benriach “Birnie Moss” heavily peated Speyside single malt expression. Which will now have to wait for a future indulgence, as will the Arran quarter cask expression.


The Arran Malt finished in Sauternes casks is dangerously drinkable :+1:


ordered a bottle of this


Amazon have the Kirker & Greer 10 year age statement cask strength Irish Whiskey on at £34 as a limited time deal.

Been curious to try it fer a while as they’ve had it on at around £40 as a deal price for several weeks now, RRP is £52. Couldn’t resist a punt at this killer pricing.

It’ll be great to have a nice bottle of Irish Whiskey on t’ go, as I haven’t had any since I finished my last bottle of Powers Gold label late last year.


Coincidently Amacuntz also have a decent deal on Powers G.L. distillers cut at £25 a bottle.



Got another bottle of this…


Bought one of them ( The Frog) a couple of weeks ago. Definitely worth it at the reduced price

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Just arrived… The Buna I already have a bottle of, but on the repeat Amazon order it brought the price down to 22.50, which I can now cancel the next deliveries of. The Port Charlotte has been on the list for a while, and seeing Chris & Simon’s recent arrivals made me hurry up and order one. The Tullibardine is the Sauternes cask, so although I didn’t manage to get the Arran Sauternes at the reduced price, this will do until it comes up again…


had to crack this open for a taster. Starts sweet on the palate, but quickly moves on to grassy fruitiness, and some oak with peppery finish.

Not entirely what I was expecting, but delicious and a bargain at £35


I grew up about half an hour North of Girvan.

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Nice, I saw the link to the Bunna on PF but by that time, it was out of stock, absolute bargain!
Not tried the Port Charlotte 10 yet, I went straight for the MRC/OLC editions, once I have some space I’ll probably get a bottle. I still have a one-out-one-in policy!

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I should really do a one in & out policy, but despite buying quite a few additions recently, I’m on a health kick and not drinking much, so I doubt the shelf will get lighter any time soon! Still, plenty of nice stuff for an occasional night off.

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Oh of course, It’s lovely to have a great selection. I have one Ikea Expedit square’s worth!

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Following on from my question in the “what are you drinking” thread about bourbon I’ve decided on Bulleit as my next acquisition (tried it ages ago & vaguely remember liking it)
Trying to drill down further …
Amacunt have both the normal version & the rye at an appealing price within pennies of each other.
I’ve never tried a Rye whiskey…anyone fancy attempting to describe the difference ?
Obviously the buy both & make up your own mind is obvious, but for gluttony reasons I really don’t want to go down that route…
Over to you Chris, or indeed anyone who may have an opinion, however trivial?:thinking::wink:

Google Alice Lascelles article on rye in last weekend’s FT?

She does the description thing well.


I’m a big fan of rye whisky, but I think I’m in the minority

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First dram of the Port Charlotte… Wow! Very nice. And pretty complex to my palate also. It’s funny, for years I would always go to mainly Speyside & Highland whiskies, mainly sherry cask, and these were, and are, great. And I will always enjoy these. But more recently I seem to also be enjoying the very different and more robust & peaty whiskies, and enjoying the extra oomph & depth they give. Might have to update my to buy list. Octomore next?!


Ardbeg next