Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Eagle eyes - I’m impressed!

One place I worked decided one day that everyone had to wear a purple lanyard. No alternatives, it had to be purple.

I trolled them with my company-issue rainbow “LGBT allies” lanyard. If you tell me to take this off you’re going to look reaaaaalllly bad :smile:


Run away, as fast as you can :flushed:

Angle grinder to the plums for the selfish twat two doors down who has just driven a lot of neighbours indoors again by deciding to spend another evening cutting bricks in his back garden. The noise is awful, and last night went on from 6-9pm.

hardly surprising the NHS is fucked. Louise received a letter today advising her of an appointment at St Mary’s tomorrow. Turns out it was for appointment for last week, but the date on the letter was wrong. Luckily she knew about the appointment last week and attended on time…when she phoned them to establish what the appointment was it took 4 people to eventually explain that she should ignore the letter.

My wife has 2 or 3 stories overcthe last few years which are virtually identical. Terribly inefficient. A head of peadiatics and numerous other Consultants have confirmed the same to me.

The NHS is a large organisation. Fuck-ups are inevitable (c.f. banks, airlines and telecomms companies). As long as they do not occur at the point of delivery (e.g. you get the wrong operation/treatment) it is not the end of the world. In comparison to the Medicare in Oz and the Health Service in Ireland, the NHS is pretty feckin’ outstanding given the constraints it faces.


I have regular appointments with five different consultants, plus my GP and sundries like blood tests and photos. I never have any fuck ups, but then I do make the appointments online or while I’m there.

she has three consultants for two conditions, the Opthalmology dept at the Lister never make a mistake.

The Gynacology dept at St Mary’s constantly makes mistakes with their appointments, as does the radiography people for the non invasive treatment of her condition. None of them operates online appointments, all her appointments are made by her in person when she attends.

This is one of the major problems with the NHS. It is too fragmented. Some of it works brilliantly and some of it would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so serious. Part of the problem is that in places they’ve pared the admin support to the bone, so either it’s being done by the clinical staff for whom it’s neither a priority nor within their skill set or it’s pretty much left to the patient to organise. That’s not so easy if you’re, well (no pun intended), sick.


We had a reserved seat on a long journey recently and this dear soul had her dog sitting on it, my good lady refused to sit in it and she could not give a monkey

My German friend who has 4 kids 1 with severe health needs and one with moderate needs actually chooses to stay in UK as nhs is way better than Germany for paediatric care , great Ormond etc . He is always raving about the nhs

My dear brother. Fucks off to his house in Greece for 3 weeks and at the last minute asks if I can water his (fairly large) garden while they are away - for 3 weeks - and it’s 30C at the moment…
He really is the biggest piss taker going. There is likely to be dead things by the time he gets back.

Hope he hasn’t gone to the wrong part of Greece. It’s even hotter there.

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Yep, 40C I believe (and Saharan sand).


Not at all. I’m quite aware of people burning to death.

Hardly apparent in your initial answer




as a public body we get this all the time. We are now pretty good at referring such enquiries to “legal”.