Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

They changed the rules a couple of years ago afaik

I’m a doctor (well, I’ve got a doctorate) and that was once enough for me to be able to certify that the pictures that a colleague needed for his baby’s passport* looked like the baby. I don’t know much about babies but one thing I do know is that when they’re little the way they look can change real fast. It seems the passport people didn’t know this though. Or didn’t care.


*Complicated story, but yes, life for everyone was just going to be easiest if the baby had his own paperwork.

We’ve just updated FoL’s passport. His first one was issued at about 6 months old, and unsurprisingly aged 5 he is completely unrecognisable vs that photo.

me too, and I am still signing the back of colleagues photo’s to be sent for passport applications.


Not a doctor of grammar, mind.




grammar is so 20th Century



Are you turning septic?


Chope is at it again. A severe and sustained assault on his genitals seems appropriate.

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He really is a dumpster fire of an excuse for a human being.


He’s a proper shit.


To the desert with him. He deserves nothing less.


Was just about to post that, what an odious little cunt.

It’s quite shocking to see what he’s for and against:

He doesn’t believe in climate change.
Anti minimum wage
Anti gay marriage
Anti Europe
Anti women
Wants the burkha banned in public
Wants to privatise the BBC
Wants to bring back the death penalty
Wants to bring back conscription

Objected to:

Alan Turing being given a pardon
Blocked a bill to limit hospital parking charges
Blocked a bill to prevent revenge evictions
Blocked a bill to ban animals in circuses
Upskirting bill
Blocked a bill to oversee the use of force in mental health.
Blocked a bill to protect police dogs and horses
Blocked a bill for women MPs to use the commons for an event.
Blocked an FGM bill in 2018
Blocked the same bill again today



apparently he blocked it for not having enough time to discuss on a friday , pretty poor really when it causes such devastating consequences

That’s his stock excuse. Just meaningless words to deflect from the cuntishness.


He claims it’s to be sure issues get debated properly but he’s quite happy to nod through bills that his mates are pushing. Utter cunt.


Cockpunch to Phillip Green because reasons and the fact that he is so disreputable that even The Telegraph has climbed upon the Throne of Righteousness and is shaking it’s Sceptre of Moral Indignation in his general direction.

The Telegraph can have a cockpunch to for this effort:

They are utterly rubbish at humour and should stick to winding up the gammon and swivel eyed loons.