Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Sorry to hear ziggy and beobloke , they are both horrible diseases

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To the idiot moped driver that almost ran my daughter and me down on a zebra crossing on Maple St. He didn’t see us because he was passing on the wrong side of a transit that had stopped to let us cross. That or the fucking phone call he was making distracted him. So glad he dropped it when I screamed cunt at him and his front wheel locked as he swerved and braked simultaneously.


Hopefully you stomped on his phone before you shoved it up his arse.

It went sliding under the Transit hopefully to be squashed as it drove off.


Serves him right methinks

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This bellend needs a good boot to the swingers. He denied he was driving dangerously ! :joy:


Jesus, I would have been delighted to have done that aged 17 :joy::joy::joy:

You’d need to sit in the driver’s seat to do that Adam…


That clip has been doing the rounds on World’s Most Stupid/Dangerous/Worst Drivers FaecesBook pages for (seemingly) forever :roll_eyes:

Think it must have reappeared then for his court case.


If only he’d got the landing right, that would have been superb.

I think part of his punishment should be watching Dukes of Hazzard DVDs, so he gets it right next time.

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Watching Catherine Bach isn’t much of a punishment…


Spanish FM radio for Poms can have a thunderous knee to the nadgers. I’ve spent the morning ferrying the ladies (and a Strayan :smirk:) around various markets, shops and supermarkets. Feckin’ Mr Blue Sky was the best thing played (and it is utter shite) in between Gammon-friendly adverts for insurance and ludicrously pro-Brexit news and commentary. I had to figure out how to get my phone to handshake with the hire car to relieve the agony.

Opel can have a size 14 to the cods for the Zafira. A truely awful car which drives like a cattle truck, which is ironic given its purpose in life. Even the in-car audio is bloated and user-unfriendly.

There are some decent Spanish radio stations. Most have to play 50/50 Spanish/English but most play better music than gammon expat stations

Turns out that more recent builds of Windows 10 (like the one on my desktop) ship with tar. So it’s just straight back to the 70s with tar xvf etc.

I know but the car is set up for gammon radio and is an arse-ache to reprogram. I am streaming from my Bandcamp collection via iPhone over Bluetooth now. “STFU or I’ll play more GNOD” was actually used to quell restive loin fruit this evening.:smiling_imp:


Liked for GNOD.

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Amazon for their oversized packaging