Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Well done Texas :cowboy_hat_face::clown_face::cowboy_hat_face:

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Just read the Beeb story… Not lead by a rope - he was handcuffed and the rope was attached to the handcuffs.
So, in effect, he was lead by a rope except it wasn’t around his neck because that would have been wrong.
Can I just say… CUNTS!


Yes you can - the Police Chief said sorry so that’s ok then.

It’s hard to believe that anyone in a position of authority could be so dumb as to think this outrage was acceptable behaviour, and that it wasn’t going to go global on social media.


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Trumpsville, the good ol’ US of A

Not in the slightest bit surprised.

I am, however, surprised they didn’t hang him from a tree…

I think they’re past caring what anybody thinks.

They’re regressing as a country at an alarming rate - almost as much as the polar ice caps that they are so fond of denying as well.


Probably guaranteed his re-election

Without a doubt - utterly sickening all the same.

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The more I see , the more I read and the more I hear about America makes me think, wtf do we have in common with that country, they’ve even bastardised our language.

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both countries are run by people with an insatiable greed for money, the yanks make more so we have to copy them…

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Home Office, bunch of useless cunts.

Back in April DfT decided it was cheaper for the HO to do the security clearances. DfT transferred over my clearance in May and the HO proceed to fucking lose it. Raised a case with them in May and have just received a call for it:

HO: you raised a case with us blah blah blah
Me: Yes I understand you have lost my security clearance.
HO: Yes
Me: Have you managed to find it?
HO: No
Me: OK what’s the next step then?
HO: You need to submit a new application
Me: But I finish the end of this month
HO: In that case we don’t sponsor contractors who have less than 3 months left.
Me: But I had clearance and you lost it I can’t get another contract without it.
HO: Yes that is unfortunate but we won’t sponsor you, bye.

Crap like this is what your MP’s supposed to be for (among other things). I suppose you could give it a try …



Unfortunately my MP is Suella Braverman and there’s no way I’d ask her for assistance.

Having worked for the HO I know only too well what a fucking shambles they are.
I’ve just turned down two, well paid contracts with the HO and NCA because I couldn’t deal with the inevitable shit that would come with them.
I hope you can get this sorted though and if I think of anything that may help I’ll let you know

My brother’s work involves a fair amount to do with the HO, and at least once a week I get a message that just reads “abolish the HO”. From the staggering incompetence to the outright racism, it really is a dumpsterfire from top to bottom.

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I did a secondment to the Home Office as well, the levels of incompetence were staggering - at all levels I encountered, combined nicely with a structure that ensured it wasn’t addressed in any way whatsoever.


CP for the designers of these systems !!

My theft avoidance system is buy a shit car that nobody wants to steal.


Look at the accountants. The designers will have had to work within a (probably daft) budget constraint. Car firms are notorious for penny pinching

Sports pundits referring to today as ‘Game Day’. Just fuck off. This isn’t America. Cunts.