That’s a great photo Ben
Thanks Al
Some efforts from the weekend. All iphone, forgot camera.
Ballachulish, Glencoe and Glen Etive area.
Wow stunning!
One more from the other day.
Young stag. by Rick Francis, on Flickr
In my head that’s how I see myself.
Paisley Abbey, very impressive. Wish I could work out how to post videos, it really was something special
Host them somewhere (You Tube maybe) and post the link.
You can’t upload a video to the forum server
I cant be arsed with the faff. Pictures will need to do
Part of using a ‘free’ forum.
A lot of posters contribute to the forum costs and hosting full fat pictures, costs enough, (you don’t need a street poster size pic of your cat for the internet )
Hosting video is a step (cost) too far.
Fair point, I’ve been on here for nearly a year, nine months lurking three months posting. How do i chip in my two cents?
I wasn’t strong arming you into contributing it is entirely voluntary
But there is some info on this thread
Not strong arming, Just suggesting… I’m cool with paying my way. Will have a look as i don’t do pay pal. But im sure there is some other way
There was some discussion about alternatives to paypal recently, if you start at the latest post and work back you should find it.
If you PM Jon (TMC on the forum) he will send you a message
Have a look around this post, there is a bit of a discussion
I’ve avoided the shite and stuck £4 a month in. Hope that suffices, if it doesn’t i’m back to what hifi
More than generous, seriously, much appreciated
Jon probably won’t see this so I will say ‘thank you’ on his behalf