Gigs I'm going to. The Gyroscope diaries

Will be good fun, the atmosphere should be brilliant. It’s not actually in the park, too hilly, it’s on an area of football pitches across the road. Will be a big top set up. I saw Primal Scream there a couple of years ago.
My diary is starting to fill up quite nicely so far…

Liam Gallagher/John Squire
The Smile
Happy Mondays
Fat Boy Slim
Future Islands
Echo and the Bunnymen
The National (Edinburgh Castle)

Optimo (Spring weekend also at Queens Park)
LCD Soundsystem at All Points East or some other weekend away gig / festival with no camping.


Me and your Nan aren’t angry with you, we’re just disappointed.


Einstürzende Neubaten at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

Comedy of errors buying the tickets, in German, with a sketchy mobile signal while they were selling out very fast. But we got there (I think!).

Ticks off several bucket list items. We’ll probably hang a holiday off it. Maybe Hamburg/Berlin two centre.


That should be great, just had a look and unfortunately no Scotland appearance on this tour.
Saw them about 15 years ago in Glasgow, support act was none other than Damo Suzuki who did 45mins straight singing in his own language whilst his band all played different tunes (tunes is doing seriously heavy lifting here) at the same time. Was brilliant :slight_smile:


Sounds like some great drugs were enjoyed by all :grinning:

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Thea Gilmore at The Stables in MK last night. She’s so much improved since she ditched the talentless cunt who held her career back for so long. Wish she’d played a bit more of the new material, but commercially not wise to scare-off the long-termers.


I was in the cheap seats. Have to agree I thought the new stuff was great and Thea was brilliant as usual.


Mrs X asked “What do you want for your birthday?” I replied “Lets see what bands are playing and we can make a weekend of it. Oh! the Residents are playing how about it?” She said “Let me hear some of their stuff.”

I have a ticket for one.



I was looking around in case there were any familiar faces, but the place was chocka, so not much chance!

Managed to organise a gig at the local village hall for July 13th.

Have booked Mojo Mules, Lizzy Hardingham and Elizabeth and Jameson.

Going to set ticket prices at £15 inc bbq.


If I lived anywhere near, I’d be all over this

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I know there are a few fans here


Also, I’m going to this

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Next week


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We’re doing the London date at the Scala :+1:

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I am thinking of going to a Black Metal gig the night before. Should be a good contrast!

We’re (theoretically at least) travelling to Manchester to see Nadine Shah the same week.

This is because Nadine and Jane’s London dates clash :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just booked. May even get the train - just 4 stops up the line :grin:

Pigsx7. You get the general idea.