WTD - Proper full range horn system

strictly they would need to be declared as imports as they would be above any personal allowance, and duty and VAT paid

if it is claimed they were temporarily in the EU from UK, then there should be a Carnet created prior to export to prove it, otherwise duty and vat are payable.

another Brexit bonus :roll_eyes:

If this whole forum doesn’t have horns and valves within ten years of creation then we’re doing something wrong.


Bloody 'ell, he must be a new best friend :grinning:

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23 posts were split to a new topic: AA Big Bang theory

Cables need to be looked at again.



Would it be possible to take the drivers out for transport, and maybe ship them separately?

Possibly, but what would be the point?

As Mark say but take the drivers out cut the horns in half and tell customs it’s just scrap.

Bit of duct tape when you get home and jobs a good’un.

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That would be living up to my “Steve” persona. :grinning:

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I’m guessing speaking to the vendor would be a start, there are several ways to ease such a transaction.


I’m waiting for a call back from Kevin at Definitive to get more info on the Gotos, he wasn’t available yesterday.


I think Santa is really going to come up trumps for you this year!


We haven’t had that photo of @jim yet this year.

Those, however…

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Pretty sure my wife could get them in our luggage :grinning:




Just had a very interesting conversation with Kevin at Definitive about the Goto horns.

The pics on his website don’t show the entire system. The crane shaped structures with the mid horn on the ends also have two more Goto units attached, one for high frequencies and one for upper mid. So, six Goto compression drivers in total.
The bass bins were manufactured by Great Plains Audio, specifically for this system.
The system also has custom made passive crossover and is pretty efficient - he suggested maybe a 300b amp would suit.

He said that the system was made in the US for a Swiss horn enthusiast, but he has not set it up since importing it from Switzerland. He confirmed that he would call me once he had it set up, so I could audition it. Slightly disappointingly though, this might not be until after Christmas.


Did you not suggest he set it up at your house… to save time later? You should really audition it in your own room after all…


Yeah, it’s not like Jim hasn’t got the space now.

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Outrageous, upsetting Santa and right before Christmas! I was wondering where the other drivers were so that is good to know…Slightly disappointed there is no bitumen on show - Goto like Bitumen.

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