The all-new shiny cockpunch thread

Self gonad bashing for forgetting to take earplugs to the Steve Hillage/Gong gig last night.



Super super massive gonadal battering to cunts complaining about cunts starting duplicate threads about cunts.


I think this cretin is finally going to get the blow to his teenie weenie that’s been coming for a long time -

Lock him up!

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That’s a little hard to suggest a mistake has been made.
IUPG though.

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Slap squared required.

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CP on behalf of Louise, for the gender neutral boys in this place, as the blokes have pissed all over the floor, the seat and she reckons on the sink


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outch hurt, last night

serves you right for walking over a pile of lego bricks


Serves you right for pissing in the sink.

General cockpunch in the vague direction of the kitchen sink manufacturing industry. All I want is something that will take a standard oven tray flat (480mm x 370mm), but it would appear I cannot have anything big enough unless I also want it to be able to double as a bathtub, or have it with an included draining board.

We’ve had this problem on the last two kitchens we’ve done. The solution the last time was to put in a huge trough in the laundry next to the kitchen. This time I have simply given up as there is nothing suitable for the task that is aesthetically acceptable.

Perhaps have a stonemason cut some polished stone slabs to a suitable dimension and glue the thing together yourself - some kind of industrial (visitor-attraction scale) aquarium adhesive should be both strong and flexible.

It’s certainly possible to bond Corian, as @edd9000 knows. Whether it could be thermoformed deep enough to form a sink by someone who knew what they were doing e.g. this lot, who aren’t far from here, I don’t know.


From what I’ve seen, Corian products start at expensive and then go up into scary money territory. £5k for a bathtub for example, and that’s a mass produced product still, not a custom one off.

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For stuff to be cheap it has to be mass-market. Modern houses, including their kitchens, are small. It’s like big speakers these days, I guess.


My house buyer, his lawyer, his mortgage lender and their lawyer :angry:



Uh oh…

The majority of the medical staff in this sad & tragic event. Worth reading to the end, but very sobering.